Monday, September 21, 2015


 I had previously put this together from a Bible study in Ephesians, and thought it was a good chart to share.  From Ephesians 4-5

Unbeliever's walk (character of the flesh)
Christian's walk       (character of the Spirit)
·         vanity of mind (4:17)
·         darkened in understanding (v. 18)
·         alienated from the life of God (v. 18)
·         ignorance (v. 18)
·         hardening of heart (v. 18)
·         past feeling (v. 19)
·         given themselves up to lasciviousness (v. 19)
·         working all uncleanness (v. 19)
·         greediness (v. 19)
·         wax corrupt after lusts of deceit (v. 22)
·         speak falsehood (v. 25)
·         steal (v. 28)
·         corrupt speech (v. 20)
·         bitterness (v. 31)
·         wrath (v. 31)
·         anger (v. 31)
·         clamour (v. 31)
·         railing (v. 31)
·         malice (v. 31)
·         fornication, uncleanness, coveteousness (5:3)
·         filthiness, foolish talking/jesting (5:4)
·         deceptive, empty words (5:6)
·         are darkness (5:8)
·         unfruitful works of darkness (5:11)
·         do shameful things in secret (5:12)
·         dead in sin (sleeping) (5:14)
·         unwise (5:15)
·         evil (5:16)
·         foolish (5:17)
·         drunkeness (5:18)
·         learn Christ (v. 20)
·         put away the "old man" (v. 22)
·         renewed in spirit of mind (v. 23)
·         put on new man, created in righteousness and holiness of truth (v. 24)
·         put away falsehood and speak truth (v.25)
·         members one of another (v. 25)
·         don't harbor anger or sin in anger (v. 26)
·         give no place to the devil (v. 27)
·         steal no more but rather works that which is good and provides for others (v. 28)
·         doesn't speak corrupt words but that which is good for edifying (v. 29)
·         grieves not the Holy Spirit Who has sealed him (v. 30)
·         puts away from himself all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and railing and malice (v. 30)
·         treats others with kindness, tenderhearted, forgiveness, remembering how Christ forgave them (v. 32)
·         Imitator of Christ, as a beloved child (5:1)
·         walk in love just as Christ loved us, giving Himself up for us (5:2)
·         giving of thanks (5:4)
·         does not partake with sins of nonbelievers (5:7)
·         are light in the Lord walking in light (5:8)
·         fruit of light which is all goodness, righteousness and truth (5:9)
·         proves what is well-pleasing to the Lord (5:10)
·         makes manifest those works of darkness in the light and reproves them (5:11-13)
·         awake, arises from the deadness of sin, Christ shines upon (5:14)
·         walks carefully in wisdom
·         redeems the time knowing the days are evil(5:16)
·         understands the will of the Lord (5:17)
·         filled with the Spirit (5:18)
·         speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with hearts to the Lord (5:19)
·         giving thanks always for all things in the name of Jesus to God the Father (5:20)
·         subjects selves to one another in love and in the fear of Christ (5:21)


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